联邦政府机构 • A.S.A.

行政部门(the Administrative Department)

总统(the President):Kangyue Shi

副总统(the Vice President):未提名

国务院(Department of State)

国务卿(the Secretary of State):Junhao Zhong

司法部(Department of Justice)

联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)

局长(Director):Kangyue Shi

运输部(Department of Transportation)

联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)

局长(Director):Jianing Yu

国土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)

移民海关执法局(Immigration and Customs Enforcement)

海关边境保护局(Customs and Border Protection)

局长(Director):Chenzhou Li

特勤局(Secert Service)

局长(Director):Kangyue Shi

执行局长(Executive Director):Jilong Fang

卫生及公共服务部(Department of Health and Human Services)

食品药品监督管理局(Food and Drug Administration)

局长(Director):Tianyu Wen

疾病控制及预防中心(Center For Disease Control and Prevention)

主任(Chairman):Jiawen Hou

内政部(Department of the Interior)

地质调查局(Geological Survey)

财政部(Department of The Treasury)

部长(Minister):Boyang Lee

农业部(Department of Agriculture)

部长(Minister):Junjie Xia

食品和营养局(Food and Nutrition Service)

局长(Director):Ruoyu Xia


立法部门(the Legislative Department)


参议院(States Senate)

参议长(the President of the Senate):Gangming Shao

众议院(House of Representatives)

众议长(Speaker of the House of Representatives):Rongfeng Gao


司法部门(the Justice Department)

联邦最高法院(Federal Supreme Court)

最高法院法官(the Judge of Federal Supreme Court):

Jingjing Jiang  Jiarui Chen


武装力量(Armed Forces)


参谋长(Chief of Staff of the Army):Jingtao Fu


作战部长(Chief of Naval Operations):Xinyuan Xu

空军(Air Force)

参谋长(Chief of Staff of the Air Force):暂无(N/A)